Student Loans and Visas

Student Loans

Many options are available for CANTEACH students. Typically, Students finish their studies in April and start Teachers College abroad in Aug/Sept for the Scotland/Wales and the following late January/early February in New Zealand. This gives you a chance to work over the summer for the UK options or save for 8 months before starting Teachers College in New Zealand.

Another option is to approach a Canadian bank for a student line of credit. 15K+ Canadian student line of credit is available to those who have a co-signor. The amount is determined by the credit level of the co-signor.

Other students have used OSAP for their study purposes abroad at all four (4) CANTEACH University options. The processing of OSAP can take place 3-4 months before you attend (Program Information form).  The Confirmation of enrolment form cannot be processed until a maximum of 15 days before the program starts therefore, the actual OSAP loan is typically not available to be used until you start studying at your University.

Student Visas

New Zealand Student Visa Process

Students will be applying on-line to Immigration New Zealand (INZ) regarding their student visa application.  INZ have outlined the entire application process online which I will be able to supply the up to date New Zealand Visa application information that is publicly available.

UK Student Visa Process – for Scotland and Wales

All CANTEACH students will be obtaining their Student Visa before arrival into Scotland and Wales. Scotland and Wales Universities work closely with all CANTEACH students to obtain their UK Student Visa.  CANTEACH students need to make their deposit to their chosen University and start the student visa application process in (the earlier the better):
– early April onwards (June 15th deadline) for UWS in Ayr, Scotland
– early April onwards (June 30th deadline) for Cardiff Metropolitan University in Cardiff, Wales.